
Children’s Dentistry

Children will start to get there first ‘baby teeth’ or ‘milk teeth’ from the age of 6 months old. There first adult molars at 6 years of age. With this in mind children should be slowly introduced to the dentist from an early age.

What to expect with a child’s first dental check-up

At 2 years of age children should be slowly introduced to the clinic and go for a ride in the chair. The experience should be fun and feel safe for the child. Depending on how the child responds to Dr Preketes he will take a mouth mirror and ensure that all the baby teeth are erupting well, he will look for any cavities, decay and check the development of the jaws which can be affected due to habits such as thumb sucking and bottle feeding.

A wider range of children’s dentistry is available by Dr Preketes and includes: fillings, fissure sealants for adult teeth susceptible to decay. Orthodontic referrals for the removal of retained baby teeth, surgical exposure of unerupted adult teeth, wire and chain bonding. Orthodontic interventions such as expanders, thumb sucking devices & sports mouthguards. Relative analgesia and IV sedation are available for more difficult procedures and are safely performed here at the clinic.